Jade Rolling is dead simple to master, and, they are a very affordable addition to your skincare routine.
1)After cleansing your face, apply your favourite face oil as the first step, as the Jade Roller will help your skin absorb product better.
2) Start at the chin and gently roll horizontally out to the hairline. Just a light, gentle pressure is all you need.
3) Move up toward the nose and continue moving out towards your ears.
4) If you’ve got a Jade Roller with the smaller end, run it along the cheekbone under your eye socket. If your Jade Roller is the one with grooves on one end and smooth on the other, just use the smooth end around the eye area (the grooved end of a Jade Roller feels marvellous around the hairline and temples and brings a deeper massage sense to the ritual).
5) Place your roller along the eyebrows and roll up toward your hairline, ensuring the forehead also benefits from your facial massage. Finish by rolling the other way along your forehead, horizontally towards your temples.
Post time: May-19-2022